Sunday, October 31, 2010

getting help in decision making

1. Only a quiet mind can think efficiently. Find a quiet place, sit down and compose yourself.

2. Repeat three times, "With Your counsel You will guide me, And afterward receive me to glory." (Psalm 73:24)

3. Imagine God's advice passing into your mind. If you must have that advice today, you will get it. If you do not need it until next week, you will have it then, if you believe that you will, and if you keep calm and continue to pray and think.

4. Ask yourself, "What would Jesus do in this decision?" He would do the right thing, would he not? Right now, ask God to take all wrong and error out of your heart.

5. Do not hurry. Allow your problem to simmer in the mind. Never force a decision.

6. Thank God for giving you the right answer, for He is giving it to you. Thank Him for the great happiness that is in your heart.

7. Having received your answer, trust it. Take it with faith and thanksgiving. If you have sought God's counsel and prayed earnestly, your answer will come up as a clear, bright light burning in the mind. Trust it. God will see you through.

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